Student Life
Whether you’re seeking study skills, outings to explore the regions’ spectacular natural beauty, help with family or personal issues, opportunities for social interaction, a safe and comfortable place to study or information about your education and career options, you’ll be in good hands during your years at Horizon Institute. And you’ll have fun, too.
We are in the city of Los Angeles near an area known as Korea Town. At this location you will find our administrative and faculty offices. You will also find our classrooms, a student lounge, our chapel and a library with a computer lab with modern personal computers.
While we do not offer housing for our students, we are familiar with the residence hotels, apartments, and other facilities that our students have chosen. We will be happy to help you find a place to call home. Los Angeles offers restaurants from all over the world. No matter what kind of food you like, you will have no trouble finding it nearby.
We gather each week as a community for chapel. These services are dynamic times for responding to the Holy Spirit and the truth of the Word. Passionate worship marks these strong times together.
We encourage you to form student-led clubs around common interests. Faculty and staff members are available for advice, and to help our students to access university resources.
For further information about Student Life at Horizon see our catalogue.